The LifeChamps 6th Plenary Meeting took place in Valencia, Spain, on the 20th to the 21st of June, after two and a half years of virtual meetings due to the CoVID-19 restrictions!

The LifeChamps Consortium met physically in a two-day plenary meeting, hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de València-UPV and Hospital Universitario La Fe – HULAFE partners. The meeting was a great opportunity for the partners to present the project’s main accomplishments and talk over its overall progress.A productive discussion took place among all the participants focusing on the project’s current status and the progress that it’s done since the last plenary meeting on project’s management, technical work & dissemination activities.

The first day of the Plenary meeting was dedicated to demonstrating project’s technology and solving issues that might arise in view of the piloting phase, while on the second day, the main focus was on the LifeChamps pre-pilot and the real-life pilot activities. Also, on the same day, an overview on the latest updates regarding dissemination, communication & liaison activities was discussed with the active participation of all consortium partners.

Lifechamps Admin

Author Lifechamps Admin

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