The SINTEC School “Smart Bioelectronic and Wearable Systems” was co-organised by LifeChamps Project and took place on the 7th-10th of June, 2022, in Bergamo, Italy. The summer school was attended by both LifeChamps Project Scientific Coordinator, Dr Antonis Billis and Juan Carlos Naranjo, Senior Technical Project Manager at MYSPHERA partner . The main aim of this 3-day event was to showcase the novelties that SINTEC project will bring to the Wearable sensors sector.

Speakers presented how a classic PCB technology can be turned into a stretchable smart patch, how this sensor can communicate with the latest IoT technologies and why this innovative research can be useful for healthcare and sport monitoring.

On the Day 1, the main focus was on the progress made in the PCB and Printing Technology to Smart Bioelectronics and Wearables, while on the Day 2, interesting sessions were held regarding smart Bioelectronics and Wearables for Sport Monitoring.

LifeChamps H2020 had a strong presence the Day 3, participating in the “Smart Bioelectronics and Wearables for Monitoring Health Parameters” thematic session. Specifically, LifeChamps Project Scientific Coordinator, Dr Antonis Billis presented the LifeChamps sensing platform and project’s digital biomarkers for monitoring QoL of older cancer survivors. 

SINTEC Summer School was for sure an interesting voyage into the many possibilities that smart devices open for healthcare science, as well as a great networking & liaison opportunity for the LifeChamps project!

Lifechamps Admin

Author Lifechamps Admin

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