As part of the LifeChamps platform, a multimodal sensing platform is being developed to support cancer champions to defeat cancer while enjoying life. The development of the sensing platform is a challenging endeavour requiring transversal collaboration among partners contributing with very different but complementary competencies.

In the LifeChamps project, The Medical Technology and Digital Health group at CLINTEC, KI has led the efforts related to sensing aspects of the Lifechamps platforms in general and wearable sensing in particular. Prof. Fernando Seoane, Ass. Prof. Farhad Abtahi, and Post-doctoral researcher Akram Hafid are proud to be part of the development team of the Lifechamps project. Now that the sensors have been selected for the different use cases, we will continue working further, coordinating the effort of Lifechamps partners to finalise the development of the Lifechamps platform and supporting clinical partners with the implementation of their use cases.

Lifechamps Admin

Author Lifechamps Admin

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