The International Society of Geriatric Oncology, also called SIOG (Société Internationale d’Oncologie Gériatrique) in French, is a multidisciplinary membership-based society with members engaged in more than 80 countries around the world. The goal of SIOG is to strenghten the capacity of health professionals in the field of geriatric oncology, in order to optimise treatment of older adults with cancer ( Since November 2020, SIOG and LifeChamps H2020 project inaugurated a close collaboration, aiming at joint initiatives and mutual exchange of knowhow between the two sides in the fields of geriatrics and the support of professionals in the treatment and care of older adult cancer patients. In this framework, SIOG promoted the WP2 online survey of LifeChamps, addressing related healthcare professionals and aiming at understanding the needs of healthcare professionals who treat and follow-up older cancer patients, especially in terms of Quality of Life.

Lifechamps Admin

Author Lifechamps Admin

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